Additional modules

Basic Data Management

Check Tables as Base of the System

  • The canias4.0 system is based on check tables that are brought together within the canias4.0. Basic Core Data module. For instance, check tables are used for all selection fields to determine a material or document type, product group or warehouse location. Other examples include headings such as departments, authorities, material requirement planning, variants and planning related deadlines or source types.

Maintenance of Customer and Vendor Basic Core Data

  • The maintenance of all basic core data related to vendors, contingent customers and customers is performed in canias4.0 Basic Core Data. Within basic core data it is possible to record several parameters, which present and audit the use of user related information in all fields in the system. It offers many advantages to the user, including creation of vendor and candidate data in customer basic core data, thanks to its fully integrated structure with other modules.

Maintenance of Material Basic Core Data

  • Similar to customer and vendor basic data, material basic data are created and managed in this module. Here, the concept “material” is used as a general term for products, supplies, consumables, auxiliary materials, services, spare parts or commercial products. For all “material types” mentioned herein, there is a central register.

Main modules

Additional modules

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